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Welcome to Project Motley (PjM), home of RoseHalo. Ageless, PjM has come in many forms, under many different names... but the spirit behind this all-sim barn has never changed. The current name, Project Motley, was picked in early 2006. It fully represents my SIM career, personally, as I've done my best to get involved with many different activities and breeds within the SIM community. Primarily taking part in specific games, PjM did not move on to all-sim until El Caballo Sim (now closed) switched to a western only game. During my time in EC, I grew very attached to my string of horses, a group made up of individuals that for the first time, stole my heart. I couldn't even consider dropping PjM, and at that point, I ventured into the all-sim community, diving right into the heart of things, competing actively and expanding my small group of Thoroughbred's to include many different english-based horses. A crisis left PjM temporarily abandoned, but now that I've returned PjM is more active than ever.

Project Motley is a member of the equine simulation community. It is a complete work of fiction, established to fill a gap in my life, and should not, under any circumstances, be thought of as real. All currency exchanged is false, all horses are mere creations. All horses, people, places, and events mentioned are the work of fiction and an active imagination, and should be regarded as such. From my understanding all photographs used within this website properly credit their owners, and I do not claim them as my own. Otherwise, all content is copyright to Jessica Clouse 2008 and beyond. Layout thanks to Def Design